Share YOUR wisdom!

and support men in Central Europe by spreading your message

We, the Amaen organized the  successful Gathering of 100 Men
Now we are organizing an online Conference for Men

To provide an overview of already established leaders, guides, facilitators and groups in Czech and Slovak area,
and to offer ideas what does it mean and why to embark on a path of men’s development

To broaden perspective and provide different but live approaches, we chose You as one of very few men from the world, to share their work and opinion

It would be honor to hear YOU as a speaker!

Watch the 100 men gathering film

and get to know us...

Online conference for men - February 2023

Path of man

  • To realize who am I, to see oneself beyond the norms of society and self-deception, to evaluate where am I in my life on all levels and acknowledge how I feel about it

  • Importance of realizing where we are in our journey towards cooperation and wholeness

  • Themes of masculinity and integrity, the importance of aligning thoughts, words, and actions.

  • Importance of selfknowledge, awareness, ancestors, male archetypes, and creating and updating a worldview


  • Broad range of topics to choose from:
    – relationships (with oneself, the others, the environment)
    – self-acceptance
    – male sexuality
    – physical and emotional development
    – financial sufficiency
    – connecting to intuition and inspiration
    – finding one’s own path to something which is bigger in life than themselves
    – finding one’s own purpose in life,
    – …
  • Also space to introduce concepts like Shadow-work, Rites of passage and their importance through life, Mr. Nice Guy syndrome, trans-personal psychology and or psychedelic experience as a self-development tool, paths to psychological maturity, to initiation, etc.


  • One of core values of AMÆN is coming together in mutual respect and trust to co-create and thrive; to prosper as individual and as whole (group, community, society); to be as a man and as a men at the same time 

  • Space to share experience on what works when co-creating, without dominating or compromising; to hold one’s beliefs and attitudes and also respecting different ones,
    community building tools, co-creation tools .
  • Opportunity to connect with others and learn from each other, all while maintaining self-authority; growing and developing personally both thanks to and despite environment around


About us


Who we are

  • We are men from Czech and Slovak Republic who walk the path of Man for many years themselves and who want to inspire and invite other men to join in

  • Last summer (2022) we managed to put together amazing Gathering of 100 men, lasting four days, where we connected deeply, found selves which lay way below surface, expressed ourselves and shared individual gifts

  • We are building a wide community (organization Amaen founded in 2022) of men who work on themselves to become better men serving their families and society to make our world a better place

What we do

  • We are creating space and opportunities for men to meet, look deeply within, share their wisdom and cocreate a better society

  • We facilitate men circle encounters. We also support other men who want to do that themselves.

  • We organized deep work retreats and ceremonies and, live meetings and online courses, trainings… and this conference

Let us know if you want to contribute in this conference, please.

We will provide more details and find a way which suits you best:

  • interview, lecture, discussion, …
  • pre-recorded or live on-line …
  • Topics which you want to bring

Or direct contact to your support – Jano Bača:

+421 948 163 168

(I have all messaging apps too)